Sugar Sensitive Mama

Oh how things change

on January 17, 2012

It’s a cold afternoon, the sun disappeared and it’s feeling like snow is in the air, even if it is just a few flurries.  We came home from the park and I fixed my kids some hot chocolate.

It is my favorite hot chocolate.

I thought it would be tough to keep myself from wanting to join them, but I didn’t think on it too much. I heated the milk and added the Nesquik – remembering I’ve always taken four scoops in a mug full, but realizing that would be overdoing it, I added three scoops to the first mug.  It was for my two-year-old, so I  took a sip to see if it was too hot for her.

It was so sweet – disgustingly so.  I put even less in the following mugs, but I was shocked at how quickly I wanted that taste out of my mouth.

That had never happened to me before the last five months.  Something I loved tasted terrible to me now.  I’m so glad to know that my tastes have changed, and that helps me to control the emotional attachments I have to a lot of foods.

I had the same experience the other night when my husband made us Pad Thai for dinner.  This is one of his favorites but it had been at least a year since we had it.  It was so sweet that I couldn’t finish my portion, and in the past we had trouble because we thought it was bland or not flavorful when we cooked it – but not this time, the flavor was overwhelmingly sweet to me.  In the past we’ve eaten a lot of Thai food at home, but now when I cook it I realize that the reason I loved it in the past was the sweet chili sauce that we added to up the flavor of each recipe – like pouring sugar on top.

Have you experienced any changes to your taste recently?  Do you think it’s possible to even lose your taste for a favorite dessert?

(p.s.  I wrote this post yesterday, but just didn’t get to post it until today – it did snow, but just left a dusting on everything that is sticking around on this very cold day.)


5 responses to “Oh how things change

  1. BrandyLynn says:

    I can answer your question about changes to tastes…. 🙂 (BY the way— what a GREAT accomplishment to realize your palate for certain *unhealthy* foods has changed!)

    We had gotten into a pattern the last few months of 2011 of “eating out” because we were always busy shopping, going to parties/open houses, etc. I’m normally NOT a sugar or sweets person. (It’s never truly been an issue for me- – – *but*….) I am a “salty” type person. I love salts. I had found that I was enjoying fast food and take out entirely too much! I decided to cut it all out and we have been eating at home WAY more. (We only ate out while traveling home from friends…) Anyway, we stopped at Taco Johns last week because time ran later in town. I was absolutely DISGUSTED with the food. It was too greasy. Too salty. AND it lacked flavor WHATSOEVER!

    And I *do* believe it’s possible to lose your taste for favorite desserts. What is the difference between a favorite dessert or other menu item? I really believe it is 75% mental and 25% physiological. (Meaning… mind over matter … or mind over taste buds!) LOL!

    I am so glad you are doing so well! Keep up the great work! 🙂

  2. Angiedawn says:

    I could not eat my entire cream stick last Saturday ! lol

    I am glad your taste buds are changing to dislike the foods you don’t want to eat!! Great job!

  3. Nataly says:

    I have done that too. Used to drink my coffee with sugar and LOADS of cream…not I don’t like either. (Well, REAL cream is good…but it’s not a necessity anymore.)

  4. Cheymelah says:

    Just wanted to pop in Cathy and say I miss your posts hope all is well

  5. seedplanting says:

    Thanks, Heather, all is well! Just a busy week, and needing to let go of a few things to cope with it. I just recently started substitute teaching twice a week, and it’s hard to get into the routine of things.

    I was thinking about posting something today or tomorrow! I’ll check in on you all too. I hope you are feeling good these days!

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