Sugar Sensitive Mama

Journal – It’s been a while since I’ve posted!

I woke up this morning feeling lighter, and although my weight has stayed the same for weeks now, I weighed myself.  It went down .7 lbs!  I know it doesn’t seem like much, but these last 10 pounds are very stubborn!  Any progress is progress.

I’ve been trying to use my juicer more often and have started poking around the Internet for recipes.  I’m learning a lot as I go.  Did you know that both grapefruit and kiwi help with weight loss?  So does green tea.  I also learned that beets help to detoxify the blood.  This is the juice I made yesterday afternoon, and had enough left for my husband and I to have a big glass with our breakfast.

 Apple-Carrot-Beet Juice

  • 2 Green Apples
  • 4 Carrots
  • 1 Beet with leaves
  • 6 -8 leaves of Kale
  • 1” Ginger Root (1 tablespoon)

I also munched on some cucumbers with the skin because I love them and learned that there is something (I think silicon) in the skin that is helpful for hair and nails.  My nails need all the help they can get!

I’ll do some food journaling for today:

Breakfast – Apple-Carrot-Beet juice, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage patties, one slice of whole grain toast with butter, organic coffee with unsweetened vanilla soy milk

Snack – cucumbers with skin

Lunch – leftover ground beef curry* with brown rice, Frosty Grapefruit Zinger juice (see previous post)

Snack – half of an apple with peanut butter (my kids ate the other half!), hot green tea with lemon

Dinner – still deciding on this, but Spaghetti Carbonara with whole wheat pasta sounds yummy to me right now.

I did about an hour of exercise this morning – mostly Wii Fit.  And I need to drink more water, but what else is new!

* the Ground Beef Curry recipe is from the More With Less cookbook, and was something my mom made on a regular basis when I was growing up – it’s my ultimate comfort food.  Here’s the recipe.

1 lb. ground beef

(Cook up the beef, then add)

2 – 2 1/2 cups of water

2 carrots

3 celery

1 green pepper

1/2 medium onion

1 t. salt

1/8 t. ground black pepper

1 T curry powder (but I always add 2 or 3)

1 c. tomato sauce (like Hunts in a can) 

(Simmer this for 45 minutes, then add)

1/3 c. milk with 2 T cornstarch mixed in it

Serve over rice!

I usually double it to ensure leftovers.




Frosty Ginger Grapefruit Zinger | Family Kitchen

I just made this fresh juice smoothie.  It really perked me up at lunch time!  The kids don’t like the bitterness of the grapefruit, so after I took my portion I blended in some vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and a little orange juice concentrate, it was a hit with all but one of my kids… you know, the one who is always different!  But my two and three-year old picky eaters both drank it down happily.

Frosty Ginger Grapefruit Zinger
serves 1

1 large frozen banana (sliced for easy blending)
1 1/4 cups fresh squeezed grapefruit juice (2-3 large grapefruits)
* I used a white grapefruit – but red or white will work
1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 cup ice (add more for a frostier blend)
1 tsp maple syrup (optional)
1-3 dashes cayenne

To Make: Blend and serve! Garnish with a slice of fresh ginger.

note: for spiciness sensitive kids – you can omit the cayenne and reduce the ginger. to taste. If the grapefruit it too tart for them, you can replace half the grapefruit juice with fresh orange juice.

via Frosty Ginger Grapefruit Zinger | Family Kitchen.

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